There are a number of public cloud providers who offer services in different geographic regions. Regions are always named differently across providers. Some people like to deploy things in multiple clouds. Some people like to encode information in the names of the resources they deploy in clouds. This may or may not be a good idea.
It may be useful to name stuff consistently, regardless of which cloud provider or region you use. That’s NINANS.
(total 10 characters)
Code | Provider |
aw |
Amazon Web Services |
az |
Microsoft Azure |
do |
DigitalOcean |
gc |
Google Cloud Platform |
Code | Service qualifier |
b |
AWS iso-b secret partition |
e |
Azure Early Updates Access Program |
g |
AWS GovCloud |
i |
AWS iso secret partition |
j |
Azure Jio partner region |
s |
Standard region (no special qualifier) |
Use the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 lowercased two character country code for the region.
characters as a suffix to make three characters (e.g. California = cax
, Seoul = 11x
characters as a prefix to make three characters (e.g. north = xxn
, southwest = xsw
).If no information about the subdivision or campass direction of a region is available, use three x
if required (e.g. AWS us-east-1 = 01
(e.g. Azure westeurope = 00
) for the NINANS subdivision component.Provider | Provider region name | Provider service qualifier | Country | Subdivision or compass direction | NINANS |
Microsoft Azure | centralus | None | United States | Iowa | azsusiax00 |
Microsoft Azure | jioindiawest | Azure Jio partner region | India | Gujarāt | azjingjx00 |
Microsoft Azure | eastus2euap | Early Updates Access Program | United States | Virginia | azeusvax02 |
Microsoft Azure | koreacentral | None | Republic of Korea | Seoul | azskr11x00 |
Amazon Web Services | eu-west-2 | None | United Kingdom | London | awsgblnd02 |
Amazon Web Services | us-gov-west-1 | AWS GovCloud | United States | West United States | awgusxxw01 |
DigitalOcean | fra1 | None | Germany | Hesse | dosdehex01 |
Google Cloud Platform | asia-northeast1 | None | Japan | Tokyo | gcsjp13x01 |